Learn how to use Jim Thatcher's Favelets, also called JavaScript Bookmarklets, to do page-by-page accessibility testing from a phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
Did you know that screen readers aren't required for accessibility testing and neither are desktop computers! This presentation will teach you how to use Jim Thatcher's Favelets to do page-by-page accessibility testing from a phone, tablet, or desktop computer.
The beauty of Favelets, also called JavaScript Bookmarklets, is that they can run on any Internet and JavaScript enabled device by adding the favelet as a bookmark to your device's web browser. You simply visit the page to test and then activate the bookmarklet from you browser bookmarks toolbar. The accessibility favelet will analyze the page's code and then modify the browser's DOM to inject useful accessibility errors. These visible error messages directly highlight the problems on the page and make for excellent screenshots to explain accessibility issues to developers.
In this Live Testing Session we'll use Before & After Demos from Washington.edu's Accessible University 2.0 and the W3C's BAD – Before and After Demo mock accessibility-training sites. These before and after demos are an excellent way to learn how to use accessibility testing tools and screen readers to find problems.
Often I work with clients who have browser installation restrictions and block add-ons or extensions. This can make accessibility testing more difficult but an easy solution is to use JavaScript Bookmarklets which have never been blocked in my experience.
Simply visit Jim's Favelets page, find The human review favelets heading and drag and drop each of the preferred favelets into your browser bookmarks toolbar in the order you like.
Drag-and-drop installation won't work on iOS or Android so for that I suggest you first add the bookmarklets to your desktop browser and then sync your bookmarklets to your mobile browser. The bookmark syncing is done automatically for iOS and OS X Safar and Mobile Safari users. You can also sync Firefox and Chrome desktop bookmarks to Firefox and Chrome for Android.
This session is designed to be interactive and we can do live accessibility testing on the iPad while connected to the projector. Bring your sites to test live on your device or on the big screen if you're open to sharing your site's accessibility problems with the group.
What's nice about JavaScript bookmarklets is that they simply modify the DOM of the current HTML page and inject accessibility error messages as text directly on the page. A blind user can still use these favelets and scan through the modified page to find those automatically discovered violations.
We'll also discuss other JavaScript Accessibility Testing Bookmarklets like the HTML_CodeSniffer which can actually test color contrast!
With a bookmarklet that automatically test HTML text for color contrast problems you can have a blind accessibility tester find contrast problems directly on the mobile device that they cannot actually see.
Did you know you can even make your own accessibility testing bookmarklets! It's pretty easy and I'll show you how I made a simple bookmarklet to display title attributes visibly in red text next to their elements in the DOM.
Accessibility Evangelist at Deque Systems, Inc.
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This slideshow has been developed with jQuery Mobile to create a universally accessible presentation that will work on any accessibility enabled device. PowerPoint & PDF formats are not universally accessible.
You can get the Firefox toolbar add-on directly from Jim's Favelets site if you look under the Installation on Firefox heading. Direct link here, FaveletToolbar.xpi. It's not available in the Add-ons store.
Often I work with clients who have browser installation restrictions and block add-ons or extensions. This can make accessibility testing more difficult but an easy solution is to use JavaScript Bookmarklets which have never been blocked in my experience.
Simply visit Jim's Favelets page, find The human review favelets heading and drag and drop each of the preferred favelets into your browser bookmarks toolbar in the order you like.
Drag-and-drop installation won't work on iOS or Android so for that I suggest you first add the bookmarlets to your desktop browser and then sync your bookmarklets to your mobile browser. The bookmark syncing is done automatically for iOS and OS X Safar and Mobile Safari users. I imagine you can also sync Firefox and Chrome desktop bookmarks to Firefox and Chrome for Android.
The hardest way to install them is directly from the mobile browser and you have to jump through a few hoops.