iAccessibility: iPhones & iPads Mobile Freedom for All

  1. iAccessibility: iPhones & iPads Mobile Freedom for All
  2. Costs of Mobile Assistive Tech, Traditional vs. iOS
  3. Screen Reader Costs on Smart Phone Platforms
  4. VoiceOver
  5. System Zoom
  6. White on Black
  7. Large Text
  8. Siri & Voice Control
  9. Custom Vibration Patterns & LED Flash Alerts
  10. Assistive Touch
  11. Reminders
  12. Camera Enhancements w/ VoiceOver
  13. FaceTime
  14. iMessage free group messaging
  15. Mobile Safari
  16. Keyboard Only
  17. Before & After
  18. Reader Readability
  19. Flash sux
  20. HTML5 Input Attriburtes
  21. jQuery Validation Plugin
  22. Automatic Language Detection
  23. HTML5 A11y
  24. <audio> and <video>
  25. WAI-ARIA on iOS
  26. jQuery Mobile FTW
  27. Testing w/ VoiceOver
  28. Native Apps
  29. App Fails
  30. App Wins
  31. iTunes
  32. iBooks
  33. AppleTV

iAccessibility: iPhones & iPads Mobile Freedom for All


iAccessibility: iPhones & iPads Mobile Freedom for All

Apple accessibility logo

@PaulJAdam on Twitter

Paul@PaulJAdam.com iMessage me too ;)


Opinions are Paul's alone and not of my employeer :)

accessibility settings screenshot

Costs of Mobile Assistive Tech, Traditional vs. iOS


Costs of Mobile Assistive Tech, Traditional vs. iOS

Brytech NoteTeller2

Mobile AT Traditional iOS
Money Reader Note Teller 2, $300 LookTel Money Reader, $9.99*
Electronic Handheld Magnifier SmartView Versa, $595 Over 40 Magnifier and Flashlight, $0.99*
Bar Code Scanner/Object Identification ScanTalker Speaking Barcode Reader, $985 oMoby, $Free* RedLaser, $Free*
Talking GPS Trekker Breeze, $929 Sendero GPS LookAround, $4.99* AroundMe, $Free*

*iOS solutions require purchasing an iPhone ($599), iPad ($499), or iPod Touch ($229).
Traditional solutions are usually hardware and software.

Screen Reader Costs on Smart Phone Platforms


Screen Reader Costs on Smart Phone Platforms

Code Factory's Mobile Accessibility Banner shows the green android mascot with shades on and a cane next to android phone and says "Making Android phones accessible to the blind"

Platform Solution Price
Android Mobile Accessibility $99.07
BlackBerry Oratio $449.00
Windows Phone 7 None N/A
iOS VoiceOver $Free

FAQ about Android's lack of a built-in accessible web browser or email client and no braille support.

Touch screen only phones are not accessible with Android. This is changing with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich but very few phones ship with that version yet.

Due to fragmentation and extreme customization of their operating system by 3rd party carriers, no two users get the same accessibility experience. Fragmentation causes inconsistencies between which accessibility features are built-in and which need to be downloaded separately with the best accessibility features requiring money to purchase.

Some carriers have started to offer Mobile Accessibility for free to their customers, sometimes only for a limited time.

All of the apps that come standard on Apple devices are accessible right from the start at no extra cost. This is a stark contrast to Android devices where apps with accessibility must be downloaded separately or purchased from companies like Code Factory who sells a suite of accessible Android apps for $100 and a separate accessible web browser and music player.

There is no "blind tax" when it comes to Apple.

Memoirs of a Blind Switcher - 5 Years On




Hand holding the ipad, voiceover speaking App store. Two new items. Double-tap to open.VoiceOver settings on iPad.

Two iPhones show speaking VoiceOver output, first says Mail. One new item. Double-tap to open. Second says: Photo button. Switches camera to video.

VoiceOver Getting Started Guide (Mac OS X)

50+ Reasons to Use VoiceOver (Mac OS X)

Braille Panel, see what I say in braille.

Mac OS X - Universial Access

Refreshable Braille Display with iPhone 4 Tutorial

Apple - Special Education

System Zoom


System Zoom

iPod touch showing the Zoom accessibility setting in action.system zoom shown on the calendar app

Zoom and VoiceOver will not work together, but you can zoom in very large when using the rotor setting with Mobile Safari and VoiceOver.

When using Zoom you can slide finger to edges of screen for panning navigation.

White on Black


White on Black

iPad showing springboard white on black reversed.

High contrast capability. Can also be useful for nighttime reading.

Large Text


Large Text in Mail, Notes, Contacts, Messages

Large Text accessibility setting on the iPad.56pt text in Messages app.56pt text in email app on iPad.

Siri & VoiceControl


Siri & VoiceControl

Two iPhones. The iPhone in the foreground is displaying the Voice Control screen awaiting a spoken command. There is a large cancel button at the bottom.  The iPhone in the background shows iPhone dialing

iOS Voice Commands Not for iPad :(

Hold down home button for a few seconds until it beeps then say a command. Hold headset button for iPhone earbuds.


Three white iPhone 4s' shown with various Siri capabilities displayed


Blind user shown in Apple Siri Promo video.

Siri Commands

Custom Vibration Patterns


Custom Vibration Patterns & LED Flash Alerts

Black iphone shown with a visual representation of a vibration pattern


Hearing Accessibility settigns screenshot

Assistive Touch


Assistive Touch

screenshot of assistive touch gestures

adding a custom gesture with name

Do multi-finger gestures with just one finger or a stylus.




The reminders app says remind me to pick up my dress when I leave work

Location Based Reminders (e.g. when I get home, leave work, get close to my bus stop, ect.)

Reminders are great for Cognative Accessibility which we all can use help with.


Camera Enhancements w/ VoiceOver


Camera Enhancements w/ VoiceOver

Screenshot showing a auto focus square around a person's face.


Face time calling from iphone to ipad




Guy with a hearing aid signing through FaceTime for iPhone   Two kids signing through an iPod touchZVRS app banner with two women signing

ZVRS App (Video Relay Services)
Still waiting for Apple to advertise VoiceOver on TV.

FaceTime only works over WiFi . For 3G video calls try Skype or Fring. Tango is recommended for Accessibility




iMessage free group messaging

iMessage show in action on two iPhones

Now Messages Beta can be downloaded for Lion and will come with Mountain Lion.

Mobile Safari


Mobile Safari

Web rotor shownlanguage rotor settings iPad

Web Rotor & Language Rotor. Use lang tags! VoiceOver won't auto switch languages :(

Improve Navigation for VoiceOver Users

Web Rotor Settings on iPad. web rotor shown navigating by aria landmarks

Mark your code up with tags that are navigable from the Web Rotor. Use WAI-ARIA Landmarks, States, and Properties.


Keyboard Only


Keyboard-Only Navigation

White iPad 2 with apple bluetooth keyboard.iPhone 4 with bluetooth slider case

VoiceOver Keyboard Commands for iOS 4.1 and Later

VoiceOver Commands / Keyboard Shortcuts

Navigate using a Bluetooth Keyboard on your iOS Device

Before & After


Before & After

before and after demo screenshot

W3C Web Accessibility Initative

Before and After Demonstration

Accessible University 2.0

Readability & Safari Reader


Readability and Safari Reader

Website article show before using Redability.Website article screen shot taken after running Redability on the iPad.

Readability Bookmarklets for iOS

Readability Native iOS App

Flash sux


Flash sux

Steve Jobs head superimposed over the soup nazi character from Seinfield with speech bubble reading 'NO FLASH FOR YOU!'

iOS Supported Video Formats:

YouTube or Vimeo will send user the video format that works for their device. Youtube captions don't work in iOS app. They will work in an embedded YouTube video in Safari on the iPad if captions are set to auto play.

Not having Flash work on iOS is a good thing since Flash is still not accessible for VoiceOver on the Mac or iOS. You’ll be glad that Apple did not allow it to run!

Thoughts on Flash by Steve Jobs

Adobe blog post about making flash accessible from March 24, 2010. It's still not accessible.


HTML5 Input Types


HTML 5 Input Types

One major advantage of using these more specific input types if that on mobile devices, specialized keyboards that speed data entry are offered in place of the standard text keyboard. Try the followin inputs on a mobile device to see which display custom keyboards on various platforms.

jQuery Validation Plugin


jQuery Validation Plugin

wai-aria jquery validation screenshot

jquery logo

Credit Application HTML5 Demo Form with jQuery Validation

Automatic Language Detection


Automatic Language Detection


Languages with JAWS and MAGic on the Internet

You too can pass Spanish class!

VoiceOver also great for proofreading important emails or presentations, hint, hint ;)

Speak Selection settingsSpeak selection in action on a paragraph


HTML5 A11y


HTML5 A11y

html5 logo

Creating Accessible Interactive Web Apps Using HTML5 Google I/O 2011 Presentation

The current state of HTML5 forms

HTML5 Web Development to the next level Presentation

Dive Into HTML5

Better semantic tags

Tag Description
<article> For external content, like text from a news-article, blog, forum, or any other content from an external source
<aside> For content aside from the content it is placed in. The aside content should be related to the surrounding content
<figure> For grouping a section of stand-alone content, could be a video
<figcaption> The caption of the figure section
<footer> For a footer of a document or section, could include the name of the author, the date of the document, contact information, or copyright information
<header> For an introduction of a document or section, could include navigation
<hgroup> For a section of headings, using <h1> to <h6>, where the largest is the main heading of the section, and the others are sub-headings
<nav> For a section of navigation
<section> For a section in a document. Such as chapters, headers, footers, or any other sections of the document
<time> For defining a time or a date, or both

HTML5 New Elements

Future Web Accessibility: HTML5 Semantic Elements

<img src="..."/>
<figcaption>Chart 1.1</figcaption>

<nav>May eventually replace need for skip links in Far future</nav>



Show the users location in an embedded google map(v3), requires advanced browsers

Sites That Behave Like Apps

Configuring Web Applications - Safari Web Content Guide

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/custom_icon.png"/>
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="touch-icon-iphone.png" /> 
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="touch-icon-ipad.png" /> 
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="touch-icon-iphone4.png" />

<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="/startup.png">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">

<audio> and <video>


<audio> and <video>



<audio controls>
<source src="song.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="song.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
Your browser does not support the audio element.
</audio> <video width="320" height="240" autoplay controls>
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg" />
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4" />
<source src="movie.webm" type="video/webm" />
Your browser does not support the video tag.
</video> <video src="video.ogv" controls> <object data="flvplayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param value="flvplayer.swf" name="movie"/> </object> </video>

HTML5rocks Audio + Video

Safari HTML5 Audio and Video Guide

Everything you need to know about HTML5 video and audio




wai-aria badge

Introduction to WAI ARIA

Safari HTML Reference - Supported Accessibility Roles

Table describing mapping of WAI-ARIA roles to accessibility APIs.

Set of ARIA Test Cases - Code Talks Wiki

jQuery Mobile FTW


jQuery Mobile FTW

jquery mobile shown on 4 different phones

jquery mobile shown on two phones, and iPad, and a Nook tablet

Docs and Demos

Form Element Gallery

Testing w/ VoiceOver


Testing w/ VoiceOver

Using VoiceOver to Test Your Application

VoiceOver Screen Curtain

To turn off the display while you use VoiceOver, triple-tap the screen with three fingers.

Keyboard Only Testing

Native Apps


Native Apps

supporting accessibility does not impact your ability to innovate and create beautiful iPhone applications

Apple Docs

Interface Builder Accessibility Attributes

Defining Custom Attribute Information in Interface Builder

The UI Accessibility programming interface defines the following attributes:

attributes added and show tested with ax inspector in iphone simulator

Pure Code - Make Custom Individual & Container Views Accessible

Make Custom Individual Views Accessible

Make the Contents of Custom Container Views Accessible

Defining Custom Attribute Information Programmatically

Enhance the Accessibility of Table Views

Testing with Accessibility Inspector in the iOS Simulator

Using Accessibility Inspector to Test Your Application

turning ax inspector on in iOS simulatorax inspector showing label, value, traits, and frame coordinates, voiceover cursor show as rectangle around objectax inspector shown inactive, done by clicking the x close button, needs to be inactive to simulate scrolling


stanford ios programming class accessibility presentation

Stanford University IOS programming series talk by Chris Fleizach from Apple on iTunes U

Accessibility on iOS Make an app for everyone by Chris Fleizach iOS Accessibility

App Fails


App Fails

App Accessibility Reviews

Custom button labels double tap hold with 2 fingers.

label element with custom label in voiceover

App Wins


App Wins




universal access logo and itunes ax logo

captions shown on video content
audio descriptions options on iPhone
language subtitles options on iPhone

Creating Accessible iTunes U Content Videos in iTunes

Creating Accessible iTunes U Content PDF




iBooks notes and bookmarks shown in action

iBooks with largest text on Verdana

Creating ePubs

Creating ePub files with Pages

A table of contents is automatically generated, which allows readers to jump quickly to any chapter title, heading, or subheading in the book. Review your document to be certain that appropriate paragraph styles are applied to all chapters, titles, headings, and subheadings in your document.

Then open the Document inspector and click TOC (table of contents). Select all of the paragraph styles that you want to appear in the TOC, and then click Update.

Reformat any images, shapes, or other objects in your document to make them inline objects.

How to make your own epub books for iBooks

Adding Alt Text to iBook ePubs

Making Image in ePub Documents for the iPad Accessible

  1. Export to ePub from Pages for Mac.
  2. Expand with Stuffit Expander.
  3. Find .xhtml files.
  4. Edit with Dreamweaver.
  5. Add Alt text.
  6. Convert back to ePub with Calibre.




apple tv 2 with remote

Apple TV with VoiceOver is amazing! I have never had independent access to so many movies and television programs. Thank you, #apple


Apple TV (2nd generation): Apple Continues to Set the Accessibility Standard

Caption your iTunes and YouTube Content

Netflix captioned content not working on Apple TV yet, recently available on iPad app.

Can't search for CC content directly from Apple TV. Have to use iTunes, but that only works for Movies or iTunesU? WTF? No CC content found in iTunesU at all?

Searching for Closed Captioned Content in iTunes U

Search Tech-Ease 4 All in iTunes for some CC content.

VoiceOver in action on Apple TV 2nd gen and activating captions.



This presentation is ever enolving, most ALT text should be added now and correct. Please contact me if there are any issues.

You can use the left and right arrow keys to navigate but if you're using a screen reader you may need to invote the pass through key first then hit arrow keys.

JAWS Pass Key Through, INSERT+3

NVDA NVDA+f2: pass Next Key Through



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