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VoiceOver OS X Missing <fieldset> <legend> Bug

Filed bug at bugreport.apple.com, #24525070 on 05-Feb-2016.

Bad <fieldset> Construct Due to Missing <legend>

Notes: all of this static text here and each label text plus input accessible name will be repeated by VoiceOver when tabbing through the form for every single input in this incorrect fieldset.

VoiceOver speech output after tabbing to the First Name input:

First Name  edit text Notes: all of this static text here and each label text plus input accessible name will be repeated by VoiceOver when tabbing through the form for every single input in this incorrect fieldset. First Name  First Name  Last Name  Last Name  Street Address  Street Address  City  City  State  State  Zip Code  Zip Code

Proper Use of <fieldset> <legend> Accessibility Technique

Shipping Address

Notes: no incorrect text will be repeated by VoiceOver when tabbing through this form because we have a proper legend.