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Headings Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing

Headings Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing inserts a black on yellow opening and closing tag into the DOM around each H1-H6 and WAI-ARIA role=heading aria-level=1-6


Headings Bookmarklet (drag link to bookmarks bar)

Test Content

This is a heading level 1.

This is another paragraph.

This is a heading level 2.

This is another paragraph.

This is a heading level 3.

This is another paragraph.

This is a heading level 4.

This is another paragraph.

This is a heading level 5.

This is another paragraph.

This is a heading level 6.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=1.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=2.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=3.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=4.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=5.

This is another paragraph.

This is a role=heading aria-level=6.

This is another paragraph.

display none heading


Heading Text



Bookmarklet Demo

Not so easy installation method