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Forms Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing

Forms Bookmarklet for Accessibility Testing inserts a solid green outline around labels that have FOR attributes with ID matches, a dashed orange outline around labels with NO FOR attributes, a dotted red outline around labels with no FOR/ID match, a dashed red outline around inputs with no explicit (FOR/ID) labels, and a dotted red outline around inputs with NO ID attributes. <label> elements that have a FOR are wrapped with a <label for=""> indicator, if no FOR attribute they're wrapped in a <label NO FOR> indicator, if <label> has a FOR that does not match an existing ID it's wrapped in a <label NO ID MATCH> indicator. <fieldset> and <legend> are also shown.


Forms Bookmarklet (drag link to bookmarks bar)

Test Content

Fieldset/Legend Construct

radio group fieldset/legend

non-label text placed to above input

non-label text placed to left of input

non-label text placed to right of input

input type=hidden with no label

8 digits, 1 upper case, 1 number, 1 special character

Please enter your password in the required format. 8 digits, 1 upper case, 1 number, 1 special character


I have no label

This message will self destruct in seconds.

Radio Link 2 no label just aria

Outside Form Element

Your details:

Ship the blue gift to...
Ship the red gift to...

Bookmarklet Demo

Not so easy installation method